If you didn’t find answers to all of your questions on our website, please feel free to contact us directly via this form:
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Start up name (current version of the name/name idea)
Contact person
Select the area in which your startup can be classified ChooseBankingHealthcareInsuranceUtility & Industry 4.0Public administrationCloud solutions and infrastructure
What should be your project/solution?
Description of the start up (present situation)
What do you want to achieve with your start up (future goals)
What stage is the start up at? Chooseideaestablishment of startupestablishment of LLC
How many people are currently in the start up (how many people want to join the program)?
Please select preferred location ChooseBratislavaBrnoPrague
Upload any important document about your startup(supported formats: DOC, PDF, PPT, JPEG, GIF, AVI, MP4, M4V, M4A - max 25MB)
By submitting this application, you agree to the collection, processing, and storage of this information by UpSteer powered by Asseco for the purpose of evaluating your eligibility for the incubator program. This information will only be used for internal assessment purposes and may occasionally be shared with third parties.